CCF Review & Inspection

CCF Review & Inspection

We held our first Biennial Review since 2017 under the watchful eye of Captain Sean Ryan, Head of Maritime Warfare for the Royal Navy. In the build up to the inspection, cadets had been reminded of the attention to small details regarding their uniform and put through their drill paces, under the watchful eye of Callum Fooks. The planned activities for the inspection had to be adapted at the last minute due to the very cold weather but before we headed inside, the cadets showed off some of their drill moves and were thoroughly inspected by Captain Ryan. He spoke to each cadet individually, asking them questions about their cadet experience and reasons for joining. He then had a chat with a small group of cadets about their views of CCF. Other cadets were demonstrating their ability to complete Practical Leadership tasks requiring a range of different skills.

The inspection also gave us as the leaders the opportunity to express our views on the cadet experience and what we need to do to improve the experience for the cadets. It is unlikely that Captain Ryan will be able to arrange for a lake to be created on the school field but he is going to try to arrange for us to be affiliated to a Royal Navy warship and to try to organise some visits to ships in the future. The cold weather led to us heading indoors earlier than expected but it gave our cadets the perfect opportunity to ask Captain Ryan questions about his Royal Navy experiences. He has had a range of roles during his time in the Royal Navy and so was able to provide the cadets with lots of stories and information. We were very proud of the way the cadets conducted themselves during the inspection.