Aletheia Academies Trust
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Gravesend Grammar School. I have spent over 20 years at the School as a teacher and a leader and I am passionate that our traditional values are upheld in a modern context.
My own expectations for the School are very high and I believe that students achieve through respect, hard work, friendship and exploration. These core values will be at the heart of everything that we do to ensure the very high academic standards continue. Our academic achievements are exceptionally high at both GCSE and A-level creating a gateway to the next steps for our students. The next step is usually University although we are seeing increasing numbers of students taking degree apprenticeship pathways.
Whilst the primary focus is to achieve high academic standards, I believe that a broad and rich curriculum is essential in creating well rounded individuals who can confidently take on the next phase of their lives, and which provides a balance to the demands of a rigorous academic curriculum.
My mission is a relatively simple one in that we must do everything we can to ensure that all our students make progress that enables them to be successful in later life. We also provide clear opportunities for teachers and support staff to excel and for all to continue to develop within their field.
As a selective school we are fortunate to be educating students who have high aspirations and have a strong commitment and loyalty to the School. In return, we provide a high quality learning environment with opportunities and challenges for all of our students both within and beyond the curriculum.
Malcolm Moaby BEd (Hons)