Parent and Teacher Association

GGS has an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the aim of which is to provide valuable extra funding and support for our students during their time here. The support we offer enhances the school experience for students right from Year 7 through to the day they leave. In recent years we have provided defibrillators for the emergency we hope will never happen and dummies on which to practise resuscitation; tents and cooking equipment for Year 7 Camp and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Groups; sound, lighting and recording equipment for the School Hall; instruments to expand the range and variety available in school and extra playing kit for school sports teams as well as contributions towards running the minibus.

Apart from functions and discos for younger students, we also run a 250 Club where for £2.50 per month you can purchase a number which is entered into a monthly draw. Half of the money is split into three prizes and the other half is given to the School to help towards the running costs of the minibus.

Our PTA is also proud to provide a recycled school uniform service available to everyone.  All parents will know how much it costs to kit boys out for school – and how easily they manage to lose their PE kit. The PTA accepts donated uniform items which may have become too small and items when your boys leave. We take it, sort it and offer good quality replacements to other parents who are in need, all for a very modest cost.

We meet during term time and new blood is always welcomed!

Please email the School to enquire about membership of the the PTA or the availability of recycled school uniform.