
The role of our local governing body is strategic, to oversee the direction and policies of the school, to monitor its standards and performance. We support the work of our Headteacher and the senior leadership team, who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school.

Gravesend Grammar School is part of the Aletheia Academies Trust, which has its own website to explain the overall structure and strategic direction of the Trust. At local level however, each school has its own Local Governing Body (LGB).

All new governors are given a comprehensive induction, including safeguarding training and have access to external training throughout their time serving on the LGB. We learn more about our school through our meetings with staff and students, visits to staff CPD afternoons on a Friday and Senior Leadership meetings. Each governor is linked to a key area of the school and carry out monitoring visits which are discussed at out LGB meetings. We regularly have governor briefing sessions before our meetings which provide a detailed insight into specific aspects of the school such as: SEND provision, ECT programmes, the work of the Head Student team and other current school priorities. All the Governors have a deep commitment to the continued success of the school, ensuring that our students achieve their full potential, within the supportive, caring, environment that provides challenges and opportunities within
and beyond the curriculum.

Our Governors have different backgrounds, providing different perspectives, but have a common interest in helping the staff and students at GGS to develop and build further on their strengths and successes. We are a dedicated group of professionally qualified individuals who offer a depth of experience and knowledge across a spectrum of school activities; including teaching and learning, accounting & finance, safeguarding, HR, government, health and the charity sector. Skills audits are conducted annually, we consider what skills we require and respond to any identified needs through targeted recruitment.

The standard term of office for a governor is four years although a number of our governors have extended their terms, providing continuity and sustaining knowledge and experience. Consistent with the ethos of the school, all of our meetings are open and friendly.  Where appropriate frank discussions take place and all governors are encouraged to express their views – which they do!