Headteacher: Malcolm Moaby BEd (Hons)
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs S Tremain
Gravesend Grammar School Church Walk, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 2PRTel: 01474 331893
Email: enquiries@gravesendgrammar.com
Headteacher | Mr Malcolm Moaby |
Deputy Headteacher | Mrs Sarah Tremain |
Main School Phone Number | 01474 331893 |
Main School Email (General Enquiries) |
Mrs J West - PA to the Headteacher 01474 331893 ext 1236 |
Absence Reporting (Year 7 to Year 13 |
01474 331893 Online reporting via Edulink: |
Mrs N Hedley 01474 331893 Ext 1253 |
Safeguarding |
01474 331893 Ask to speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) |
Admissions Enquiries (Year 7 to Year 11) |
Mrs S Gwalter - Admissions Administrator 01474 331893 Ext 1248 |
Ms S Asbury - Sixth Form Administrator 01474 331893 Ext 1233 |
Careers Leader |
Mrs J Douse - Head of Careers 01474 331893 Ext 1235 |
Examinations Officer |
Miss H Metaxas 01474 331893 Ext 1249 |
Finance Office |
Finance Team 01474 331893 |
Chair of Governors |
Mrs A McLean |
Address | Gravesend Grammar School, Church Walk, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 2PR |
Sat Nav Postcode | DA12 2JL |
Aletheia Academies Trust Address |
St George's CofE School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 7LS 01474 533082 |
Paper Copy Requests |
Mrs J West |