
When a parent is informed of the decision to refuse their child a place at a school for which they have applied, they have the right to lodge an appeal. This is the case for admissions after national offers day (1st March) and for In-year admissions applications.

Parents wishing to lodge an appeal must set out the grounds for their appeal in writing using the school appeal form. Appeals must be submitted to the school within the following timeframes:

  • Year 7 admissions after national offer day - By the end of March in the admission year (30 school days after the place was refused).
  • Year admissions (Y7-11) - Within 20 School days from the date of notification that an application was unsuccessful.In -

Appeals lodged after the deadlines will be heard at a later convening of the appeals panel.

Once appeals have been lodged the Appeals’ Administrator will provide appellants with a time and date for their appeal at least 10 days before the appeal is to be heard. Appeals will be heard within 30 days of the appeal being lodged, unless dependant on exam results, in which case the appeal will be within 30 days of confirmation of exam results.

Appeals for the normal admissions round, after national offer day, will be heard across a number of dates in May and June

Parents will have time between submitting the appeal form and their appeal date to compile evidence. The Appeals Administrator will provide clear guidance on the requirements for collecting evidence for an appeal, the procedures followed during the appeal and the names and roles of the panel members. The School cannot guarantee that evidence presented will be returned, so it is advisable to submit copies of children’s work and achievements. All evidence should be sent to the school no later than 5 working days prior to the appeal date.

The appeals panel will decide whether to direct the school to offer your son a place and will write to you following the final appeal date to inform you of their decision. Please read the FAQs Appeals document to find out more.

Before commiting to an appeal for a place at Gravesend Grammar School, please read the Allocation of places and case for the school document, which is linked at the bottom of this page.

Key  Dates  
1st March 2024 National Offer day - Kent as the local authority sends Secondary school offers to parents.
29th March 2024 Deadline for appeals to be made to Gravesend Grammar School.
25th April 2024 KCC Reallocation. Places rejected on national offer day are reallocated by KCC from the school waiting list. Gravesend Grammar School maintains the waiting list after this point.
3rd - 24th May 2024 Appeals take place - These will take place at the Appleyard in Sittingbourne.

Appeals FormAppeals FAQs

Allocation of places and the case for the school - please read before continuing to an appeal

Sixth Form Appeals