Three of our Year 13 A-level Physics students took part in the Oxford International Physics Olympiad back in November 2024. The results came in at the end of Fenruary.
This competition requires them to sit two 80-minute exams based on material set by University Physics lecturers designed to stretch their understanding above the syllabus. The papers are extremely challenging and marks are awarded for how the students tackle the problems, not just for correct answers.
This year over 4000 students took part from across the UK and China. Students can be given six different awards based on how well they performed compared to the other competitors. All three of our students scored in the top half – an amazing achievement!
The awards given were:
Henry S Silver / Harrison D Silver / Szymon B Gold
Getting a Silver award puts both Henry and Harrison in the top 700 of all participants and a Gold for Szymon puts him in the top 400. A massive congratulations to all three students who performed fantastically well. HC