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Kent Schools Swimming Gala

Kent Schools Swimming Gala

This gala sees swimmers from all over Kent competing, which means that there were a lot of good swimmers taking part.

We had seven swimmers competing in six events, with two swimmers competing in their first outing for the school:

  • Junior (Y7 & 8) - Sidney Roots (7M), Harry Croucher (8P)
  • Intermediate (Y9 & 10) - Jackson Waters (9O) and Jacob Barker (10O)
  • Senior (Y11, 12 & 13) - Zac D’Cruz (11M), George Goodwin (11K) and Jessica Goodwin (13BS)

It wasn’t a particularly ‘fast’ pool but that didn’t stop the team producing some great swims and getting some good PBs too.

Gold Medals x 2, Bronze x 2, Placing (4th to 6th) x 1

Yet again we managed to finish in the top 6 overall in the boys’ event . Thank you to the parents for bringing the students all the way down to Margate to make this possible.