Team Maths Challenge

Team Maths Challenge

Team Maths Challenge is a different sort of challenge, eight of our Further Mathematicians took part in a Team competition at the end of November at Oakwood Park School in Maidstone. The students split into two teams with two Year 12 and two Year 13s in each team.

This competition required students to use their mathematical, communication, technical and teamwork skills against pupils from a number of other secondary schools across the county. One of our groups came 4th out of the 20 groups (with Tonbridge coming 1st and 2nd - so that really makes our school third!) All students - Kieran Gent, Nick Williams, Oliwer Nawrocki, Anthony Pierzchala, Henry Stewart, Daniel Matveev, Shivam Attari and Szymon Bilkiewicz worked hard and enjoyed themselves. They particularly loved the timed relay challenge at the end (despite never actually making it through all eight problems in each of the three rounds!) where they had to work in pairs in their teams and await an answer from the starting pair's problem to substitute into their own problem to then solve and pass back their solution to do the same. Tense!