Firstly, I want to thank all of you who attended the Milton Award Information Evening in September. It was great to see so many people there supporting this Award. The conversations that I had afterwards, with parents and students, were brilliant and I can tell that I have a very promising cohort in Year 9!
This term we have been fortunate enough to have had two fascinating lectures that the students have attended. Our Head Student, Theo Li, delivered a lecture on the poem Beowulf. Hours and hours of preparation had gone into the lecture and it was fascinating to hear. There were 76 students in total and some of the questions that were asked after were very insightful. The second lecture that we put on this term was delivered by Mr Janes. Mr Janes has lived and worked in Asia in the past, predominantly teaching English as a Foreign Language. His lecture explained what living and working abroad was like and the opportunities that are available to our students after their secondary education. There were a large number of students in attendance and the questions were superb again.
Next term, Mr Burton and I will be meeting with a group of Year 10 students who have engaged very well with the award and explaining the next steps to them. If you have yet to do so, please ensure that all of your activities have been added to your UniFrog profile.