Girls' Forum - Term 6

On 11th June, Girls Forum had the pleasure of welcoming back an ex-student, Poppy Howard (GGS 2021-23), who shared her inspiring journey into becoming a police officer. She provided a detailed account of her day-to-day responsibilities, giving us a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of the profession. During her talk, she explained the various stages of her journey, from initial training to her current role. One of the most engaging parts of her presentation was her discussion on what she enjoys most about her work. She emphasised the sense of fulfilment that comes from helping others and contributing to the safety of the community. The session was incredibly insightful, and the girls enjoyed learning about a career path that many were previously unfamiliar with. It was empowering, and showed the girls that with determination and hard work, they too can pursue careers in fields traditionally dominated by men.