Dungeons & Dragons - Term 5 Round up

Another exciting term of tabletop gaming has finished and we have reached a transition point for several of our groups. We have two new Dungeon Masters leading adventurers into new campaigns and challenges - I wish both of them the best of luck. 

Having dropped into both sessions with new DMs, I can already see that the groups are in safe hands, even if their characters may be at risk given some of the obstacles/enemies being presented. I think it is important to give special thanks to one of our outgoing DMs: Jake Thomas (13AD). Jake was the driving force behind establishing the club and has taken on the role of introducing our younger students to the game and enabling them to run their own campaigns and build their enjoyment of the game. Without Jake’s initial enthusiasm for setting up the club and drive to build it to where it is today, there is a chance that Dungeons & Dragons at GGS might just have been part of an assembly about taking time to do things you enjoy. Jake has also got a small group running for Sixth Form enrichment which will help grow the game at School. 

Everyone at the club wishes Jake the best of luck in preparing for his A Level exams and thanks him for his contributions. Next term is as good a time as any to get started with a new hobby so if you are intrigued by the game and want to stop by please feel free to come and check out what we have to offer. It’s my favourite hour of the week at School and could be yours too!     JEP