At Gravesend Grammar School we pride ourselves on our excellent pastoral care as part of our approach to ensuring all children at the school are safe.
We designate key staff to manage any child protection or safeguarding issue. If you have any safeguarding or wellbeing concerns or questions, then please email
The School’s policy and procedures on safeguarding are based on the government’s guidance on “Keeping children safe in education”. The school adheres to the requirements and recommendations of the Kent Safeguarding Children MultiAgency Partnership (KSCMP) with regard to Child Protection issues and carries out other procedures that are connected and relevant.
To report a concern about a student, please email – your message will only be sent to our Designated Safeguarding Deputies (DSD) and will not be seen by anyone else. All Heads of Key Stage and Assistant Heads of Key Stage are trained DSDs, your concern will be dealt with by the appropriate Key Stage team.
All adults at GGS are trained to ensure you are safe and protected from harm.
If you feel you are unsafe or suffering silently you can talk to any adult in the school.
If you are worried about something that is happening at home, at school or on the internet make sure you talk to an adult.
We have a number of adults who are well trained and experienced in dealing with highly vulnerable young people who have suffered serious emotional, physical and sexual trauma.
01474 331893 Ext 1237
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01474 331893 Ext 1250
01474 331893 Ext 1228
01474 331893 Ext 1206
01474 331893 Ext 1205
01474 331893 Ext 1251
NELFT - mental health direct support line (24/7) - 0300 555 1000
Big White Wall provides support for those aged 16+ for anonymous support
Childline – 0800 1111 – You can speak to a counsellor either on the phone or online. The number is free and will not appear on any telephone bill.
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 A confidential number for children and young people. Free on most landlines and mobiles.
Get Connected – 0808 808 4994 This is a free number for young people that gives you support and information.
Childnet – This is a website that offers advice young people advice about staying safe on the internet.
CEOP – This website will give you advice but also allows you to report inappropriate activity on social media.
The Hideout – A website which helps children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it is happening to you.
Respect Not Fear – This website contains information about respect in relationships.