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Mission Statement

To enable our students to integrate successfully in the real working world. Students will be able to effectively assess situations and deliver appropriate solutions to the issues at hand.

  • Facilitating the students developing their empathy, contextual awareness and creativity
  • Encouraging them to be analytical, inquisitive and decisive

Student Voice

Key Stage 4

I enjoy studying Business and am always determined to learn more on the subject because I feel that is the most useful for me and my future.

Personally, I very much enjoy Business and what it offers in regards to the course of work throughout GCSE. I really appreciate the teachers as well considering how they were the ones that genuinely made me love the subject. Therefore overall I do enjoy studying Business as it is very intriguing and has helped me apply my own business knowledge to the real world.

Key Stage 5

I enjoy studying Business as it is a thought-provoking subject. I chose it because I thought it’d be useful for my future, which became clear as my knowledge of the subject developed. It has taught me vital skills such as leadership, which includes allocating tasks to peers and motivating people to ensure everybody meets deadlines and works at the highest standard.