During the student’s experience of art, we would like them to:
Feel encouraged to develop high levels of confidence in imagining and interpreting ideas and experiences creatively.
Be given the skills and knowhow to communicate those ideas and responses to others effectively and using a variety of media, styles, skills and technologies.
To be given the skills and confidence to be able to respond to a variety of starting points, design briefs and ideas.
To understand how artists, craftspeople and designers before them have contributed to the world and enriched it: to feel that they also can make a contribution and find their place in the world through their creative contributions.
To feel able to create for the joy of it, for it’s benefits for their mental health and, to be able to understand the importance of the process and the making, rather than be fixated on the outcome.
‘I like that we are able to develop our skills through the projects, for example in the architecture project when we are able to build up from drawing simple shapes to our own buildings. I enjoy the fact that we can do a wide range of things, like painting and drawing along with model making and other things’
‘I really enjoy the different projects we do, we have tried ceramics, drawing and painting and photography. We have the chance to build our skills and then find out what our strengths are and work more in those areas at the end of the GCSE so we can get the best grade possible’
‘Art at A level is very different from GCSE, we are given much more freedom to develop our own ideas and much more responsibility to work independently. Year 12 is fun and we try a lot of different things, but it’s great to be able to develop our own ideas and projects in year 13 too’