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Mission Statement

It is the aim of the History Department to provide our students with a knowledge rich curriculum through which they understand local, national and international developments through the lens of the study of History.

Through the key stages we build a conceptual framework to enable our students to access the best that has ever been written, thought and said through the ages. We will equip them with the necessary knowledge to make sense of the world around them and become critical thinkers, a skill so crucial in the modern era.

We will not shy away from the darker aspects of History and will continually challenge our students to understand how the world has responded to these significant events.

No matter when our students decide to discontinue their History education every one of them will leave with a substantial understanding of the world around them and with the skills necessary to make sense of that world.

Student Voice

Key Stage 4

‘History at GCSE makes me question everything! I really enjoy getting to grips with political cartoons and trying to decipher their message. Also not trusting things at face value has helped me in my other subjects. I look at things now in a new light’. ‘History lessons are always interesting. We do lots of different things depending on what the topic is. I like the way everything fits together, it makes sense! The way in which everything is connected and linked makes me realise the impact even little decisions can have’.

Key Stage 5

‘I love the fact we can go into real depth at A Level. Lessons are really enjoyable as we argue with each other and the teachers every day. I get great support from teachers and the way we are guided through reading professional historians for each topic means I have the confidence to go and conduct my own research. I would absolutely recommend A Level History to anyone who is considering it. Great staff, really interesting topics that are conducted in a supportive learning environment’.