Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional government funding provided to schools to support students entitled to free school meals (FSM), or who have been registered for FSM in the past six years. Children in care, adopted children and service children also qualify for the Pupil Premium. The purpose of this additional funding is to raise the achievement and improve opportunities for these students as national statistics show that students in receipt of FSM in general do less well than other students in examinations.

At Gravesend Grammar School Grammar School we aim to provide equal opportunities to all students irrespective of economic background. We wndeavour to use the funding to ensure that those students whose families are financially deprived, have full access to all educational opportunities, and support these students to achieve their full potential. We use this funding in a variety of different ways to support our students.  From access to additional study materials, additional support in class to support to accessing enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom.

If you think you might be eligible to claim pupil premium, please see the letter below which provides all the information you need to make an application via KCC.

KCC Free School meals application form & guidance